Case Report
Published: 07 February, 2023 | Volume 7 - Issue 1 | Pages: 003-004
Chronic foot and heel pain is a clinical dilemma that Pain Physicians often encounter in their daily practice. In the younger active patients, this is often attributed to plantar fasciitis but other rarer etiologies should also be considered. In patients who present with pain over the medial calcaneus, entrapment neuropathy of the inferior calcaneal nerve, the first branch of the lateral plantar nerve (FBLPN), also known as “Baxter’s nerve” must be considered [1,2]. Initially described in 1984 by Baxter and Thigpen, it is often overlooked as a cause of medial heel pain, particularly in athletes, where it may coexist with plantar fasciitis [3]. The nerve has a tortuous course in the foot and can be entrapped as it passes through the fascia of the abductor hallucis, travels in close proximity to a plantar spur or the medial calcaneal tuberosity, or gets enmeshed in scar tissue from prior surgery [1,3].
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