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Masquelet Technique for Reconstruction of a Fourth Metatarsal Defect Following a Low-velocity Gunshot Wound: A Case Report

Published on: 2nd November, 2023

The Masquelet technique has become increasingly popular in reconstruction scenarios such as osteomyelitis, cancer, and nonunions. The procedure is a two-staged approach: first, a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement spacer is inserted to fill a bone ... void. The spacer induces a membrane to form around it, and 6-9 weeks later, the second stage involves carefully extracting the spacer and filling the membrane with bone graft. Most of the current literature has published either femoral or tibial involvement for Masquelet studies, with limited published data on foot reconstruction. Here, the authors used the procedure for the fourth metatarsal. Despite complications, this case proves a more excellent utility and warrants further investigation into Masquelet techniques in the foot.  Show more >
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Treatment of a Distal Humerus Fracture using an Elbow Hemiarthroplasty

Published on: 14th June, 2023

Elbow hemiarthroplasty (EHA) is a highly effective procedure for treating various elbow joint disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and fractures involving the articular surface of the distal humerus. It involves replacing the entir... e distal humerus with a prosthesis and reattaching the supporting soft tissues. The EHA provides significant pain relief, improves joint function, and increases patient satisfaction, with minimal complications that can be easily managed. This case study demonstrates the value of EHA as a viable treatment option for distal humerus fractures in older adults with moderate activity levels, as a superior alternative to osteosynthesis.  Show more >
Cite this ArticleCrossMarkPublonsHarvard Library HOLLISGrowKudosResearchGateBase SearchOAI PMHAcademic MicrosoftScilitSemantic ScholarUniversite de ParisUW LibrariesSJSU King LibrarySJSU King LibraryNUS LibraryMcGillDET KGL BIBLiOTEKJCU DiscoveryUniversidad De LimaWorldCatVU on WorldCat

Dorsal intraspinal B-cell Non-Hodgkin lymphoma in two patients

Published on: 8th June, 2023

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma is rarely diagnosed as spinal cord compression syndrome. Caused by an epidural mass, this complication is often encountered in the late stage of the disease. We report two cases presenting symptoms of low thoracic spinal cord com... pression due to an epidural tumor on the MRI. Possible complications that may occur and how to prevent adverse events during surgery are essential. This case is of special interest for being a low-incidence pathology in a rare location. The case is of high interest because of the importance of resecting the lesion to prevent sequels and the complexity of its management and highlights the importance of considering the diagnosis of this event.  Show more >
Cite this ArticleCrossMarkPublonsHarvard Library HOLLISGrowKudosResearchGateBase SearchOAI PMHAcademic MicrosoftScilitSemantic ScholarUniversite de ParisUW LibrariesSJSU King LibrarySJSU King LibraryNUS LibraryMcGillDET KGL BIBLiOTEKJCU DiscoveryUniversidad De LimaWorldCatVU on WorldCat

Clinical characteristics of patients with respiratory disease and probable COVID-19 at the General Hospital Zacatecas Mexico

Published on: 4th May, 2023

Introduction: The spread of SARS-CoV-2 cases grew exponentially. In Mexico, it focused mainly on containing the disease and adopting activities and actions to mitigate it. Hospital reconversion was a fundamental strategy in the management of care for...  patients with COVID-19.Objective: To know the clinical characteristics of patients admitted with respiratory disease and probable COVID-19 in the Zacatecas General Hospital “Luz González Cosío” México.Material and methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional, and analytical study, at the General Hospital, from March 2019 to September 2021; using data from the Respiratory Disease Surveillance System. Data from patients admitted with a diagnosis of some pathology of respiratory disease and probable COVID-19 were analyzed.Results: We included 2,678 diagnosed with respiratory disease and a mean age; of 47.6 ± 21.6 gender distribution was almost equal; women 1,344 (51.0%). positive result to COVID-19 by PCR; 1,654 negatives; 900 and 124 without result. 193 (7.0%) required mechanical ventilation. The presence of comorbidities was evaluated; type 2 diabetes mellitus, systemic arterial hypertension, obesity, alone and together. Also the association of the age factor, as well as the lethality index; was 531 (19.6%).Discussion: What has been published in other studies about comorbidities and their influence on the severity of COVID-19 is confirmed, disagreeing on the case fatality rate; 20.7% against what was reported; 17.6% in other countries for COVID-19 hospitalized. An age variable was used as a risk factor with a cut-off point > 45 years; (FRE), obtaining; RR 3.42 (95% CI 2.79 to 4.19) and an odds ratio of 4.015 in binary logistic regression analysis. Reported male mortality (OR = 1.45; 95% CI: 1.41–1.51) according to our OR results; 1,45.Conclusion: The present study shows how certain chronic diseases influenced respiratory disease to present a serious state, regardless of the positive or negative result of COVID-19.  Show more >
Cite this ArticleCrossMarkPublonsHarvard Library HOLLISGrowKudosResearchGateBase SearchOAI PMHAcademic MicrosoftScilitSemantic ScholarUniversite de ParisUW LibrariesSJSU King LibrarySJSU King LibraryNUS LibraryMcGillDET KGL BIBLiOTEKJCU DiscoveryUniversidad De LimaWorldCatVU on WorldCat

Baxter’s nerve injury: an often overlooked cause of chronic heel pain: a case report

Published on: 7th February, 2023

Chronic foot and heel pain is a clinical dilemma that Pain Physicians often encounter in their daily practice. In the younger active patients, this is often attributed to plantar fasciitis but other rarer etiologies should also be considered. In pati... ents who present with pain over the medial calcaneus, entrapment neuropathy of the inferior calcaneal nerve, the first branch of the lateral plantar nerve (FBLPN), also known as “Baxter’s nerve” must be considered [1,2]. Initially described in 1984 by Baxter and Thigpen, it is often overlooked as a cause of medial heel pain, particularly in athletes, where it may coexist with plantar fasciitis [3]. The nerve has a tortuous course in the foot and can be entrapped as it passes through the fascia of the abductor hallucis, travels in close proximity to a plantar spur or the medial calcaneal tuberosity, or gets enmeshed in scar tissue from prior surgery [1,3].  Show more >
Cite this ArticleCrossMarkPublonsHarvard Library HOLLISGrowKudosResearchGateBase SearchOAI PMHAcademic MicrosoftScilitSemantic ScholarUniversite de ParisUW LibrariesSJSU King LibrarySJSU King LibraryNUS LibraryMcGillDET KGL BIBLiOTEKJCU DiscoveryUniversidad De LimaWorldCatVU on WorldCat

Anterolateral ligament: A case report

Published on: 25th January, 2023

The Anterolateral Ligament (ALL) [1,2] is a ligamentous structure of the knee whose definition as a ligament has been disputed in the past, however in the last decade more and more anatomical studies have concluded that its definition as a separate l... igament is the most accurate. In this case report we present our findings from the dissection of a formalinized cadaver which we find are consistent with the anatomical characteristics of the anterolateral ligament and with that we aim to further its morphological definition.  Show more >
Cite this ArticleCrossMarkPublonsHarvard Library HOLLISGrowKudosResearchGateBase SearchOAI PMHAcademic MicrosoftScilitSemantic ScholarUniversite de ParisUW LibrariesSJSU King LibrarySJSU King LibraryNUS LibraryMcGillDET KGL BIBLiOTEKJCU DiscoveryUniversidad De LimaWorldCatVU on WorldCat
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